Category Archives: Made in USA

It’s New Balance time, again. by Darcel Disappoints | Fashionhedge

The Weekly Find: New Balance Custom 574

New Balance Custom 574 The first pair of 574s was created in 1988, and today you can create your own version of this classic with a few clicks and at a very reasonable price. New Balance labels shoes as “Made in USA” when 70% or

What Made in USA really means | Fashionhedge

What does Made in USA really mean?

Are you hesitant every time you read “Made in USA” in product labels? Do you trust such claims even knowing that many items we buy regularly are made abroad? We have talked about the virtues of Made in USA in the fashion industry, since we believe domestic

Tips to launch a sustainable fashion business

Tips to launch a sustainable fashion company

I recently wrote about the challenges of sustainable apparel companies and got a lot of feedback from entrepreneurs and independent labels relating to some of those struggles. My efforts were not aimed to discourage fashion startups in anyway, but rather to offer some perspective based

Re/Dun jeans made in America

Top 7 High Quality Denim Options

High Quality Denim As I decided what to wear for holiday parties, I started thinking about jeans and when are they appropriate. If you live in California the answer is: always, which can conflict with people like me who like to dress up. Then I realized

Made in America infographic

Top 4 reasons to like Made in America

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the horrifying stories of human rights violations perpetuated by the fashion industry and it’s hard to know where to begin if you want to do something about it. For me, one of the easiest check points when evaluating the