Tag Archives: ethical fashion

Offset Warehouse Ethical and Sustainable Fabrics

Ethical fashion: it all starts with the fabric

When searching for ethical fashion resources and shops, it is easy to find vaguely described and poorly presented products that hope to derive their value from including the words “sustainable”, “fair” or “ethical”. But there are a few gems out there that not only offer

The Economics of Fashion: Externalities

Externalities An externality is the (possitive or negative) effect of a given activity caused on a third party that did not participate directly in such activity. Common negative externalities include air pollution on a community produced by a manufacturing company and noise from construction work that affects the nearby

Renting your clothes?

Maybe you don’t wear that dress anymore, maybe you are a little sick of it or you just need a break. But it’s a good piece, well-crafted and you paid good money for it: you are not ready to let it go, but you feel

Made in America infographic

Top 4 reasons to like Made in America

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the horrifying stories of human rights violations perpetuated by the fashion industry and it’s hard to know where to begin if you want to do something about it. For me, one of the easiest check points when evaluating the

Fashionably ethical in 3 easy steps

“Eww! I’m gonna have to go online and spend a lot of time before deciding what to buy…” Contributing to the ethical fashion mission doesn’t have to be hard or boring. There is not a massive number of hours needed in order to take initiative