Category Archives: Fashion secrets

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The pineapple and watermelon trends

The end is near. First it was all the nonsensical candy everywhere: drumsticks, donuts, lollipops, macaroons, cakes and cookies flooded Instagram, blogs and fashion online stores. And even if you think that trend is gone, it might still have ways to go before people realize how stupid

Top 5 lessons from fashion bloggers

Yes, yes, they might be retarded, self-centered, superficial and frustrated excuses fur models. But the rise of fashion bloggers tells us a lot about how consumer habits are changing and the different marketing techniques that will work in the near future. Stunning photography Even if


Creepy people “unboxing” YouTube videos

I believe I stumbled upon this sign if the end of times when I was looking for real vs. fake features of some overpriced brand, mainly because the Chinese have done an amazing job at fooling thousands of American women. To my surprise, there was

Kate Spade is made in China

Kate Spade New York is made in China?

For a while now, I have been a fervent defender of “clean clothes”, meaning that I want to know, with a good level of certainty, that my clothes were not made in Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, Vietnam or any other suspicious country. The Rana Plaza disaster

ankle strap sandal

The Ankle Strap Sandal

This trend that does not seem to be going away has brought us a good amount of options to choose from. The once (very shortly) high-end look of the thin front strap and thin heel worn by every fashionista in the neighborhood can be accomplished