New Balance Custom 574
The first pair of 574s was created in 1988, and today you can create your own version of this classic with a few clicks and at a very reasonable price. New Balance labels shoes as “Made in USA” when 70% or more of the item’s value is originated domestically. This is a very important disclosure that most brands don’t specify and we applaud all efforts to increase transparency and give the consumer better information.
Aside from the brand’s well-known quality and affordability, the NB look remains relevant for the more fashion-forward consumers. Because running shoes are not really about running, but about being unique, identifying with a lifestyle and send a message about yourself, something like: “you know I’m cool because I can pull off the New Balance/short skirt combo”.
Here are Fashionhedge’s designed pair: classic and chic.
You can select the color and materials for the different parts of the shoe, giving you the ability to control every single aspect of visual design.
Make your own here.
New Balance 574 inspiration

Heidi Klum, from Vogue

From: lookbookdotcom

From: freshnet
Ethical fashion features:
- Made in USA
- High quality
Featured image credit: New York based artist Darcel Disappoints.