Conscious Step

Conscious Step makes cool, high-quality socks with sustainable materials and it donates part of their proceeds to worthy causes like water conservation, LGBTQ rights, education and more.

It may seem like a trivial item, but socks are everyday garments for many of us and if only one so-called trivial product was made universally in a more sustainable and ethical way, that would make a difference. As always, you know that in my definition of ethical fashion, how you wear and dispose of clothes is more important than the way they were made, so:

  • Make sure you buy only things you love and wear
  • Take care of what you own, many people and places that we take for granted were involved in their production
  • When the time comes to say goodbye, find ways to repurpose or upcycle old fabrics

These socks, though, are beautiful and I honestly haven’t found this kind of quality before. The fact that the company is committed to donating to multiple causes, is a member of 1% for the Planet and uses more sustainable materials is just the cherry on top of the cake. I’ve owned them for over 6 months now and they feel like new.

I have the Socks that Give Water and Socks that Save LGBTQ Lives and I have to confess that I got a little emotional when I read in the back of the packaging that the company donates to LGBTQ youth suicide prevention. I am a mother now and the things that cause a visceral response have changed. LGBTQ rights and advocacy is something I believe in and knowing that with a seemingly trivial purchase like socks, you could make a difference in someone’s life makes the decision very clear.

If you want to learn more about how to support LGBTQ suicide prevention, visit The Trevor Project for information and resources. if you are a young person in need of help, call 1-866-488-7386 now.

LGBTQ socks
LGBTQ socks rainbow
conscious step lgbtq lives socks
socks that save LGBTQ lives
lgbtq suicide prevention Trevor Project