The return of the waist

I was very disappointed when, after thinking about it for a while and finally buying a cotton slip dress from RVCA, it looked like a “shirt that belonged to Shaq” (according to my lovely honest husband). Not  that I follow trends, as you well know, but an it was an interesting piece that I wanted to try. Accentuation the waist has always been a winning strategy for me, so I shouldn’t be silly thinking I can look good with no curves being only five feet tall.

The latest Marc Jacobs Marc Jacobs fall winter collection gave me hope about the return of the waist on the runway. Not that his take on the thick leather belts would be a flattering feature for most girls, but definitely a refreshing silhouette for me.

I have to say that I’m not a fan of the masculine chunky boots and I am sticking with my six inch platforms.


