This is why I am so sick of eco conscious people

Throughout this website and various aspects of my life, I try to look for products and ideas that help save resources, in general, which is one of the key factors in creating a more sustainable lifestyle, in my view. However, I don’t want to get bundled in with the irrational, “I am green” snobbery some green justice warriors sport as part of their kale agenda. I understand if you don’t give a mango about these issues and understand that life is complicated, sometimes too complicated to return to archaic ways of doing things with the sole purpose of following a zero waste diet or calling yourself carbon-neutral.
In short, these are the reasons why I’m not a climate change junkie:
so everything you buy is eco friendly but he still eat meat. You try to take short showers but drive your car to the corner store. It’s the Prius and solar panels on the wrong side of the house syndrome: people want to be seen as conscious consumers and mindful of the environment, but they are not willing to do the things that will really make a difference. Buying crap that has a certain label is easy and the real impact on the environment is questionable.
Most of the fanatic self-proclaimed eco-warriors lack the analytical skills to actually make more environmentally conscious decisions and rather, they end up becoming an easy demographic to sell eco-friendly and sustainable crap to. I want to believe that most of them know this, but there is evidence to the contrary.
I’m sick of hearing how millennials want to buy from companies with a greater purpose. I’m a millennial and I just want to buy things I need and are fairly priced relative to the quality. Yes, I also like certain brands and even some socially conscious labels, but I don’t buy them because of the social mission. I just like the product.
Some people are trying to make eco crap a class thing, shaming those who shop at traditional supermarkets and refuse to pay three times the price for biodegradable paper plates. If eco-conscious retailers and manufacturers have failed to bring affordable products to the market, it’s not people’s fault if they feel a little silly by paying so much more for equal or inferior quality.
They want to shame us into buying their overpriced ugly pretentious products without delivering the quality today’s consumers are used to. Sorry, but I’m not drinking your organic Kool-Aid.
And here’s where these folks really start breaking my eco balls: they refuse to even consider an argument that questions their hippie principles and lash out vigorously at anyone who challenges their views, a conduct now typical of the far-left social justice warriors in general. With the media, social networks included, and several political interest groups on their side, the SJW’s eco and non-eco are a real threat to freedom of speech and a life that doesn’t suck.
At the heart of the worst version of any ideological puppet is a religion-line fanaticism that keeps them from seeing through the very carefully crafted net of lies and marketing speeches. I only hope to be one of the few that never buys into this religion.

Stop, please stop!