Malaquita is a company bringing traditional Mexican design to a contemporary market, adapting classic design with modern aesthetics. The company’s founders answered a few questions for Fashionhedge.

Full interview
What are the beginnings of the company?
The project began in 2013 after a field investigation on how to support artisans and handcrafters in Mexico preserve their traditions. The result was a reinterpretation of their products for a contemporary market. With this basis Malaquita has created a Collective, inviting emerging Mexican designers that were already collaborating with Mexican artisans.
Ana Karen Cervantes and Claudia Martínez started the project, Claudia as the project manager and Ana developed the concept and created the brand. Both of them work together and they are enthusiastic about Mexican handcrafts and helping communities to preserve their traditions. Malaquita is the result of their passions in life.
When making clothes, what are your main consideration in regards to raw materials, where are the fabrics sourced from and what is the inspiration for each design?
When making everything, not just clothes, we work by the criteria of unexploited resource use. We use only available resources from the earth, the fabrics are sourced from different places around the country; different communities have different techniques and designs. The final inspiration for Malaquita creations come by the collaboration of Mexican designers and artisans; they both work together to create our pieces.
Your furniture is a mix of contemporary and traditional style? Who designs the pieces and what is the main concept?
All the pieces designed in Malaquita are made by different designers. We work as a collective and we give the credit to each designer and artisan who participates in creating it. The main concept in Malaquita in all creations is collaboration and collective learning.
What is the main market for Malaquita?
The majority of our consumers are people with free spirit, who base their way of life on freeing themselves through their new knowledge and experiences. They have a wide interest in culture; they get involved in various projects to support it. They also do social work to help and support communities. Possess an eco-friendly lifestyle or mentality; value the gifts of nature, care for the environment both plants and animals. They love to experiment and discover new things; they are bold, always looking for something new, original and exotic. Seek to differentiate from other people by buying “unique” products; generally are attracted to handmade product. They appreciate the work and knowledge of others.
It is a consumer who likes reading and learning day by day. Artisanal products or any product with an interesting cultural background are very important and enriches their purchase markedly. This group of people value craftsmanship, handcrafted processes and natural materials. The purchase of these products also represents stories or specific experiences that the consumer appreciates a lot. Conscious consumption is very important for them.
How does the company ensure that Mexican workers are getting a fair compensation and working conditions?
We work personally with designers and artisans so we are aware of every single step taken to produce each product. Since we are part of each step, we can guarantee that each artisan and designer is fairly compensated and they work in their own chosen environment.
Where are your headquarters? How do you ensure that there is a good relationship with your collaborators abroad?
We are headquartered in Mexico city, but our boutique is in Wynwood, Miami. Ana directs operations in Mexico city half of the year while Claudia runs the boutique and importations in Wynwood.
What would you say are your main values?
Our main objectives are to promote learning and collective work between Mexican designers and Mexican craftsmen. Creating products that spread Mexican cultural wealth and diversity internationally with a touch of design. Using Mexican traditional techniques and processes with the aim to preserve these techniques and further promote unexploited resource use.

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